Fun Facts

Learn more about Cotton Candy

Ever wondered who invented the first Cotton Candy machine? 🤔

Sweet history alert! 
In 1897, dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton spun the magic of machine -spun Cotton Candy. 
Debuted as "Fairy Floss" it stole the show at the 1904 World's Fair, selling a whopping 68,655 boxes at 25 cents each (equivalent to $8.14 today)!

Ever wonder why dentists had a sweet spot for Cotton Candy?

in 1921, after Dr. Morrison's 17-year patent for the first machine fizzled out, another daring dentist, Dr. Josef Lascaux, tried to "reinvent" the machine. Though hid patent didn't take off, he did count the term "cotton candy" and sold it to kids at his practice. The name stuck, even if it's still "fairy floss" down under!

Sweet traditions, spun through time!

Did you know? Spun sugar has been enchanting taste buds since the 17th century! Chefs would skillfully whisk melted sugar into delicate strands with a fork, adding a touch of sweetness to cakes and pastries. 

Sweet Facts

Did you know? A strand of cotton candy is thinner than a human hair! Known as Cotton Candy here, this sugary delight also answers to Fairy Floss in Finland and Australia. But wait, in the Netherlands, it goes by the unique name Suikerspin, translating to Sugar Spider